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The Koinos node uses a microservice architecture. This means that the node consists of independently running programs that interact with one another, each performing a specific task, to implement all features of the node. Advantages of this architecture are cleaner implementations and better abstractions in the microservices themselves as well as greater flexibility for how a node is run. Docker compose runs each microservice on the same physical host, but in sandboxed environments. You can run all of the microservices on the host directly, but this can be tedious managing every binary individually. Microservices can even be run on different machines and communicate over the network.

The microservice architecture is explored in more depth here.

Microservice descriptions

Each microservice serves a specific purpose and not all are required. Below is a list of each microservice, its responsibilities, whether or not it is required, and what compose profiles enables the microservice.

Required microservices are always enabled, while optional microservices are enabled with compose profiles.

Microservice Responsibilities Required Compose profiles
Koinos Chain Processing blocks and maintaining the state of the chain
Koinos Block Store Storing block information
Koinos P2P P2P communication between node clusters
Koinos Mempool Storing transactions that have yet to be included in blocks
Koinos Transaction Store Storing transaction information transaction_store, api, all
Koinos Block Producer The production of blocks block_producer, all
Koinos JSON-RPC Providing API access from outside the cluster jsonrpc, api, all
Koinos gRPC Providing API access from outside the cluster grpc, api, all
Koinos Contract Meta Store Providing ABI data for smart contracts contract_meta_store, api, all
Koinos Account History Providing records for each address account_history, api, all