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While we aim for the Koinos node to be usable by as many people as possible, there are times when you need to configure your node for your specific deployment. There are five files that can be used to configure your Koinos node. The first four are mapped in to the microservices themselves and are contained within the config directory. The last is the .env file that configures the cluster. The node provides two sets of configurations, one for mainnet which is contained in config-example and env.example in the root of the repo and another for the Harbinger testnet which is in the harbinger directory.

Genesis data

genesis_data.yml isn't really a config file, but it is crucial to the operation of a Koinos node. The genesis data defines the initial state of the blockchain prior to the first block. This helps configuration some basic parameters of the blockchain and is also used to seed the snapshot balances of the KOIN token for the mainnet. The genesis data is also used to generate the chain ID of the specific blockchain which is used to uniquely identify the blockchain in the p2p network and prevents crosstalk between networks by requiring transactions specify the chain ID of their intended chain. This file should not be changed. Please note that the mainnet and Harbinger testnet configurations have different genesis data and mixing up those files will cause the node to malfunction.

Koinos descriptors

koinos_descriptors.pb contains the Protobuf descriptors for all of the built in types used by the node. This file is used specifically by the JSON-RPC microservice in order to dynamically convert between JSON-RPC requests and the internal Protobuf requests. It should not need to changed manually, but should be updated every release of the Koinos node to match the most current descriptor file.

RabbitMQ configuration

The Koinos node uses RabbitMQ to communicate between microservices. rabbitmq.conf is the configuration for the AMQP microservice. It can be modified, but it is recommended only advanced users modify this file for specific use cases. The provided rabbitmq.conf should be sufficient for nearly all Koinos node deployments. or more information on configuring Rabbit MQ, please read the official documentation.

Config YAML

config.yml contains the configuration specific to the Koinos microservices. The structure of the config has two main sections. The first is the global section which contains options that apply to multiple microservices. The second main second contains overrides for individual microservices. If an option is set for an individual microservice, it will override the value set in the global section. For example, if log-level is set to info in the global section, but you set log-level to debug in the chain section, then the Chain microservice will log at the debug level, while all other microservices will log at the info level.

Below are the config options for each microservice.

Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
read-compute-bandwidth-limit uint The compute bandwidth when reading contracts via the API None
genesis-data string The genesis data file None
statedir string The location of the blockchain state files (absolute path or relative to basedir/chain) account_history
reset boolean Reset the database block_store, transaction_store, contract_meta_store, account_history
fork-algorithm enum The fork resolution algorithm to use. Can be pob, fifo, or block-time. (Default: pob) mempool, account_history
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
transaction-expiration uint The number of seconds a transaction should expire in None
fork-algorithm enum The fork resolution algorithm to use. Can be pob, fifo, or block-time. (Default: pob) chain, account_history
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
reset boolean Reset the database chain, transaction_store, contract_meta_store, account_history
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
checkpoint string[] Block checkpoint in the form height:blockid (may specify multiple times) None
disable-gossip boolean Disable gossip mode None
force-gossip boolean Force gossip mode None
listen string The multiaddress on which the node will listen jsonrpc
peer string[] Address of a peer to which to connect (may specify multiple) None
seed string Seed string with which the node will generate an ID (A randomized seed will be generated if none is provided) None
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
algorithm enum The consensus algorithm to use (pob, pow, or federated) None
work-groups uint The number of worker groups (For pob and pow) None
private-key-file string The private key file None
pow-contract-id string The PoW contract ID None
max-inclusion-attempts string The maximum transaction inclusion attempts per block None
resources-lower-bound uint (0-100) The lower bound of resource utilization a newly created block will be considered adequate for submission None
resources-upper-bound uint (0-100) The upper bound of resource utilization a newly created block should not exceed None
gossip-production boolean Use p2p gossip status to determine block production None
producer string The beneficiary address used during PoB production None
approve-proposals string[] A list a proposal to approve when producing a block None
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
reset boolean Reset the database chain, block_store, contract_meta_store, account_history
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
blacklist string[] RPC targets to blacklist gRPC
descriptors string The directory containing protobuf descriptors for rpc message types None
endpoint string HTTP listen endpoint gRPC
gateway-timeout uint The timeout to enqueue a request (default 3) None
listen string Multiaddr to listen on p2p
mq-timeout uint The timeout for MQ requests (default 5) gRPC
whitelist string[] RPC targets to whitelist gRPC
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
blacklist string[] RPC targets to blacklist jsonrpc
endpoint string HTTP listen endpoint jsonrpc
mq-timeout uint The timeout for MQ requests (default 5) jsonrpc
whitelist string[] RPC targets to whitelist jsonrpc
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
reset boolean Reset the database chain, block_store, transaction_history, account_history
Option Type Description Shared by
help boolean Print this help message and exit All
version boolean Print version string and exit All
basedir string Koinos base directory All
amqp string AMQP server URL All
log-level enum The log level (debug, info, warn, or error) All
instance-id string An ID that uniquely identifies the instance All
jobs uint The number of worker jobs (Default: system native concurrency) All
statedir string The location of the blockchain state files (absolute path or relative to basedir/account_history) chain
reset boolean Reset the database chain, block_store, transaction_history, contract_meta_store
fork-algorithm enum The fork resolution algorithm to use. Can be pob, fifo, or block-time. (Default: pob) chain, mempool


Some microservices use the multiaddr format. This is an abstraction and replacement for typical dotted decimal notation for a protocol://address:port URL. To learn more about the multiaddr (and multiformats) specification, please refer to the official documentation.


The .env file defines configuration for the node as a whole. The top section (BASEDIR, network bindings, and COMPOSE_PROFILES) will likely not need to change. However, on a new release of the Koinos node, you should always copy the new microservice versions and restart your node. Any of these values can be overridden temporarily by setting them in your environment.

Variable Description
BASEDIR The basedir on the host system to be used by the Koinos node
AMQP_INTERFACE The host interface that AMQP should bind to
AMQP_PORT The host port that AMQP should bind to
AMQP_ADMIN_INTERFACE The host interface that the AMQP admin interface should bind to
AMQP_ADMIN_PORT The host port that the AMQP admin interface should bind to
P2P_INTERFACE The host interface that the p2p microservice should bind to
P2P_PORT The host port that the p2p microservice should bind to
JSONRPC_INTERFACE The host interface that the JSON-RPC microservice should bind to
JSONRPC_PORT The host port that the JSON-RPC microservice should bind to
GRPC_INTERFACE The host interface that the gRPC microservice should bind to
GRPC_PORT The host port that the gRPC microservice should bind to
COMPOSE_PROFILES A list of compose profiles to enable on the node
ACCOUNT_HISTORY_TAG The version of the Account History microservice to run
BLOCK_PRODUCER_TAG The version of the Block Producer microservice to run
BLOCK_STORE_TAG The version of the Block Store microservice to run
CHAIN_TAG The version of the Chain microservice to run
CONTRACT_META_STORE_TAG The version of the Contract Meta Store microservice to run
GRPC_TAG The version of the gRPC microservice to run
JSONRPC_TAG The version of the JSON-RPC microservice to run
MEMPOOL_TAG The version of the Mempool microservice to run
P2P_TAG The version of the p2p microservice to run
TRANSACTION_STORE_TAG The version of the Transaction Store microservice to run