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Contract developer guide

Official SDKs

There are currently two officially supported SDKs for building Koinos contracts: AssemblyScript and C++

AssemblyScript SDK

Creating new contracts with the Assemblyscript SDK

To get started, you will need to clone the koinos-contract-template-as repository, which contains a template contract.

git clone

Modifying the template contract

The code for you endpoints is in assembly/Template.ts. Feel free to rename this file to reflect your contract, as well as other files.

Protobuf types including the endpoint argument and return types are contained in assembly/proto, in files with the .proto extension.

Building the contract

Yarn is used to build the contract. From the base directory:

yarn install
yarn build:release

The contracts's binary is now available at build/contract.wasm, and the ABI is now available at abi/<contract-name>.abi.


For the purposes of this tutorial, we will install the Koinos C++ SDK as well as its dependencies to ~/opt. This is just a suggestion and will work if you decide another location is more appropriate for you.

Retrieving dependencies

The Koinos C++ SDK has three dependencies. - Protobuf 3.17.3 - WASI SDK 12.0 - EmbeddedProto

Protocol buffers

First, we will install the Protobuf dependency. While it is possible to install this via a package manager such as Homebrew or Aptitude, we will build the dependency from source so that we may target the exact version of Protobuf required by the C++ SDK without regard to version available in your preferred pacakage manager.

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd protobuf
$ git checkout v3.17.3
$ mkdir _build
$ cd _build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/opt/protobuf-3.17.3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../cmake
$ make -j install


Because WASI SDK provides adequate release packages on GitHub, we will simply grab the package for our operating system and extract it to the correct location.

$ wget
$ tar -xvf wasi-sdk-12.0-macos.tar.gz -C ~/opt
$ wget -C ~/opt2
$ tar -xvf wasi-sdk-12.0-linux.tar.gz -C ~/opt


We will only need to clone this repository. We leverage the protoc plugin provided by this repository for serialization within the virtual machine.

$ cd ~/opt
$ git clone --recursive

Building the C++ SDK

In order to build Koinos smart contracts you must first install the Koinos C++ SDK. Navigate to the Koinos C++ SDK and clone the repository.

The C++ SDK relies on WASI SDK in order to build. We let the project know the location of WASI SDK using the environment variable KOINOS_WASI_SDK_ROOT.

$ export KOINOS_WASI_SDK_ROOT=~/opt/wasi-sdk-12.0
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd koinos-sdk-cpp
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/opt/koinos-sdk-cpp ..
$ make -j install

Using the Koinos C++ SDK

You are now prepared to compile Koinos smart contracts. Koinos smart contracts are built using the CMake build system. Using the provided CMake toolchain file, along with a few environment variables, you can now build contracts.

Assuming you have placed the Koinos C++ SDK and the associated dependencies in ~/opt, you can set the necessary environment variables as follows:

$ export KOINOS_WASI_SDK_ROOT=~/opt/wasi-sdk-12.0
$ export KOINOS_PROTOBUF_ROOT=~/opt/protobuf-3.17.3
$ export KOINOS_EMBEDDED_PROTO_ROOT=~/opt/EmbeddedProto
$ export KOINOS_SDK_ROOT=~/opt/koinos-sdk-cpp

You are now ready to configure your smart contract project. From your project root directory, use the provided toolchain file and build:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${KOINOS_SDK_ROOT}/cmake/koinos-wasm-toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make -j

There is a skeleton cmake project in Koinos Contract Examples that you can use for your own smart contracts.

After building your smart contract you will find two important artifacts in your build directory. - The WASM binary (*.wasm) - A type descriptor file (*.pb)

At the moment, we must manually create an Application Binary Interface (ABI) file to use with koinos-cli. This will require utilizing the type descriptor file. For more information on how that file is structured see the Contract ABI documentation.